Your organisation is constantly evolving, and your needs are changing with it. To keep up, you need to regularly evaluate your organisation to adapt and innovate. Our business analysis service will bridge the gap between your business ideas and your business' capabilities.

Data Harbour Consulting can help your organisation define it's needs, and then translate those needs into recommendations and solutions that deliver value to your stakeholders.

We are experienced in capturing both functional and non-functional requirements, and then turning them into deliverables, both from a business process and technical perspective. We can help with pre-sales engagements, interface with your PMO or work directly with your delivery teams.








This phase is all about discovery - understanding the current state, understanding why there is a need for change, understanding who the stakeholders and end users are then working with them to define the scope. We also like to gather ideas on what the solution should look like then refine them iteratively, often using prototypes to help evaluate the best approach. We define what project success looks like and what the minimum viable solution must include.

We strongly believe that documentation is absolutely crucial to the success of any project. We will produce documents, diagrams and presentations which are appropriate to the complexity of the initiative and are aligned with the culture of the organisation.

We often support technical teams through the development and delivery phase of a project. We help analyse and document scope changes, provide clarifications, provide stakeholder updates and demos, plus define and assist with user acceptance testing (UAT).



It's so disappointing to see a solution developed and delivered but not actually adopted by end users - the sad reality is that this is a common problem. We can help ensure that end users are fully engaged, have adequate training and can get the right support when they need it. Equally, we work with back-office teams to make sure that they are prepared & capable to support the new solution, including incident management.



Coming full circle, we revisit the project success criteria and through monitoring are able to report Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to the stakeholders. The solution will enter a Business-As-Usual (BAU) phase which we can help define so that enhancement requests can be handled effectively.

business analysis process flow
business analysis process flow